Program Information
· Program

Technology Development Program to Solve Climate Change

· Directorate

Directorate for National Strategic R&D Programs

· Program objective

Secure innovative original technology and support the creation of future growth engines in the fields of greenhouse gas reduction and recycling and climate change adaptation in response to the climate change crisis

· Program details

Research areas: Solar cells, fuel cells, bioenergy, secondary cells, Korea CCS 2020, global warming, next-generation carbon recycling, support for the localization of climate technology, fundamental technology research, new and renewable hybrids, C1 gas refineries


Eligibility: Universities, government-funded research institutes, companies


Summary: Provide R&D expenses


Period: 1-10 years


Funding: KRW 200 million – 17.4 billion (USD 182 thousand – 15.818 million*) per project per year (KRW 17.4 billion for CCS project groups)

 * approximation based on exchange rate of 1 USD = 1,100 KRW

· Contact

PARK, Seon Hong; Public & Fundamental Technology (

· Project process
Mar. 2019
Apr. 2019
May 2019
Jun. 2019