WFK(World Friends Korea)-TPC(Techno Peace Corps) Program
WFK(World Friends Korea)-TPC(Techno Peace Corps) Program
Directorate for International Affairs
Dispatch outstanding scientists and technicians from Korea to universities and research institutes in developing countries to share Korea’s development experiences and know-how in the area of S&T
Support the fostering of talented leaders in S&T in developing nations and strengthen their capacity
Research areas: All S&T areas (science, engineering), R&D management, technology commercialization
Eligibility: Those who majored in relevant areas (preferential treatment available for master’s degree or doctoral degree holders and those with experience)
Summary: Support for living expenses, activity subsidies, subsidy for domestic settlement, insurance (International SOS, accident insurance), airfare
Period: 1 year (minimum 6 months), available for 3 consecutive years (activity to be determined after review of extension)
Funding: KRW 43 million (USD 39 thousand*) per person
* approximation based on exchange rate of 1 USD = 1,100 KRW
Park, Yong Jun ; International Development Cooperation Team (