Review of qualifications, etc.
1) Online Review
2) Panel Review
3) Presentation-based Review
NRF (Expert review panel)
Allocation of grants in each field; review of proposals
Selection of proposals; Final confirmation
Review methods may vary depending on the characteristics of each program.
Qualifications Review
Review qualifications of the principle investigator, including application eligibility
Exclude projects with reasons for disqualification
Expert Review
Conduct Review with expert reviewers from industry-academia-research backgrounds or by a separate review panel
Utilize the NRF’s PM (CRB and RB) and review pool
Utilize the NRF’s researcher information DB (recommendation and selection of reviewers)
Conduct selection screening based on online/panel/discussion Review in each field
Conduct Review on creativity, spirit of challenge, and researcher capability and achievements according to Review indicators and criteria
Review by specialist organizations
Compilation, coordination and review of selection (proposal) regarding outcomes of expert review by PM consultative group
Prepare the allocation (proposal) of the number of selected projects while adjusting research grants.
Committee Review
Final confirmation by the Program Implementation Committee (including comprehensive review group)
Validity of Review outcomes, selected projects, policy considerations, etc.
Notification of Selection
NRF/MSIT and MOE (→ specialist organizations) → competent research institution
Notification of selection: Details of research grant adjustments, etc.
Request for conclusion of agreement, access to project management system, and guidelines on required documents
Process of Filing Objections
Organizations - objections filed → NRF
File an objection within seven days after notification of selection
Outcome (report) of the objection process is deliberated and notified by the NRF.
Submission of Annual Performance Plan
Submission of Annual Performance Plan (competent research institution)
One or two months before the termination of research period in the pertinent year
Annual review
Conduct a PM-led annual review in each field
Discontinue or reduce research grants for the following year with regards to supported projects that produce inadequate research performance
Review research contents (results of the previous year and research plan for the following year) and the appropriateness of research grant allocation for the following year
Determine continuation of support
Deciding progress-management results and the scale of research grants.
Notifying research institutions of progress-management results
Submission of the Final (Phase) Report
Submission of the Final (Phase) Report for Review Purposes and the Self-Review Report
Phase report is submitted one month before the termination of research period and the final report before the end of research period in the pertinent year.
Expert Review
Conduct Review with evaluators from industry-academia-research backgrounds
Utilize the NRF’s PM (CRB and RB) and pool of evaluators
Utilize the NRF’s researcher information DB (recommendation and selection of reviewers)
Utilize evaluators who participated in selection screening
Review by Specialist Organizations
Determine project ranking and research grants based on scores and opinions from the Review
Establish grade (proposal) according to expert Review outcomes
Maintain statistics on Review outcomes, incentives, and penalties
Process of Filing Objections
Organization - objection filed → NRF
File an objection within seven days after notification of selection
Outcome (report) of the objection process is deliberated and notified by the NRF.